Summer Time is Music Time!

Summer here is here, recitals are over or nearly over, and all that is left is Nationals before summer dance camps!


Squirrel Trench Audio brings decades of music experience for one purpose: To make YOUR dance music flawless! Whether you need a song edited perfectly to routine length, a completely original remix, or all the songs for your studio’s season to be created in one place, Squirrel Trench Audio is your answer.

Samples of my work are here, here, and here. And if you are a studio owner, I would be happy to talk to you about how your studio could actually make a small profit on your music editing, give each student their very own practice CD, AND your studio winds up with professional quality music for every routine! What could be better?

Since it does take time to edit music well, the sooner you get me your songs, the better! First come, first served. If you have any questions, contact me: 413-535-0621 or

And if you are stuck for song ideas, let me know what song the dancer or group used last year, and I’ll see if I can offer you some music suggestions!

Break a leg for the 2011-12 dance season!